GUNNAR Optiks Adds New Styles to Available Prescription Frame Offering

GUNNAR Optiks, the world’s leading manufacturer of computer eyewear today announced that they have expanded their collection of prescription available styles in response to increasing demand for custom computer and gaming glasses. GUNNAR continues to focus on developing ergonomically correct solutions to accommodate both prescription and non-prescription digital users. One of the most annoying issues for those who wear prescription…

Tech2: GUNNAR Call of Duty MW3 Gaming Eyewear Review

By Nachiket Mhatre, Of all the gadgets and gear on my desktop, the monitor happens to be the most expensive piece of equipment, which is followed by the graphics card and spectacles. Yes, you heard it right—spectacles. Just like the monitor and graphics card, they are equally crucial to witness every god ray, explosion and arterial blood spray just…

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