Yesterday, the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas brought us a bluetooth toothbrush and a bracelet to keep an eye on your sunburn. Can we top that today? Of course we can. Yahoo News has picked five more gadgets being launched this year – but are they fantastic or pure fantasy?
The Gunnar Optiks computer glasses
Computer what? Yep, that’s right, special glasses to wear when you’re staring at a computer screen all day. Gunnar knows exactly what kind of image that conjures up, so it has released a range of jazzy, colourful frames that reduce eye strain. The glasses are designed to adjust the colour contrast to a more natural balance.

We think: If anything’s going to de-geek the idea of computer specs, then it’s these neon nylon frames. And who amongst us hasn’t felt the effects of a day’s work on our eyes? But we can’t see them catching on in a big way, if only for stubbornness.
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