Try on GUNNARS at 500+ Best Buys nationwide

  GUNNAR Optiks are now available to try on in over 500 Best Buy Stores nationwide in the US. To find your nearest store with a try on display, head to   Best Buy will be selling some of our popular styles: MLG Phantom Onyx, Vayper Onyx, and Intercept. RPG Gunmetal is available on or  

Announcing the INTERCEPT, a Best Buy exclusive

  Exclusively at Best Buy – the new Intercept style.   Agency approved. Retro classic frame fused with futuristic technology, INTERCEPT completes the line between style and science. Multi-barrel hinges anchor injected temples. An ergonomically balanced frame supports precision optics. Polished logo plates create low-key accents subtle enough for any undercover recruit. To find the nearest Best Buy to you,…

GUNNAR Vinyl – Ptch Video Contest

How to Enter: Install PTCH on your iPhone or iPad (if you haven’t already). Follow GUNNAROptiks on PTCH. Find the “GUNNAR Vinyl Ptch” video. Re-Ptch it in the most creative way you can! Add the hashtag “#gunnarvinyl” to the video. Share the video with us at with subject line: “#gunnarvinyl Ptch Contest” Share it on Facebook, Twitter. Post it…

Like & Comment to Win Contest Winner Announcement

To celebrate the launch of the MLG Phantom Heat/Carbon, we asked GUNNAR fans to LIKE and COMMENT on the product page: for a chance to win a pair. The win goes to Brian Esposito for his response, My virtual systems are self-healing, my eyes, however, are not. Brian was chosen to win based on a random drawing combined with…

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