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Journalists at the Consumer Electronics Show, going on this week in Las Vegas, have some special privileges. Not only do they get to the front of some lines, but they get to preview some gadgets in special closed-door events.

On top of the thousands of square feet or exhibits at the Las Vegas convention center, there are three separate such sneak peeks: the first is CES Unveiled on Sunday night, which I talked about briefly in a previous post. The second is Digital Experience on Monday night. And the third is ShowStoppers on Tuesday evening.

In this post I’ll mention just a few of the projects and products I came across in the latter two shows.

Some products featured very simple innovations that relied on style as much as tech.

Seven-year old Gunnar Optiks of Carlsbad, California, offers “advanced computer eyewear,” but they are not the sort of hi-tech wearable technology one thinks of. The lenses reduce the eye strain that comes from staring at a computer monitor. The booth featured the company’s new line of colorful, hipsteresque glasses, costing $49 a piece.



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