Posted in Blogs

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here at GUNNAR, we are so very thankful for all of our fans and loyal followers! You are an amazing community. Thank you.

Hope you’re all having a fabulous turkey dinner with dressing and all the fixings. Don’t forget the pies!

Now, as hard as it was to pull away from the couch and write this, it is dire that we share some exclusive information. GUNNAR Optiks is proud to present to you Cyber Week and our Black Friday deals!

We are giving everyone across the globe 30% off some of our best styles, all listed on the page below:

Check out these and more over on our Cyber Week page:


3D Eyewear

Outdoor Eyewear

Enjoy time with your family and friends, and check out our special deals during our most favorite American holiday!

If you have time, head over to our Facebook page at and let us know one thing you’re thankful for this Thanksgiving! Aside from you, one thing we’re particularly thankful for is our eyesight!

Let the Holidays begin!

Comment (1)

  • could u send me a pic with someone with piralex glasses on i just bought them online and like to see what they look like on someone…

    justin mayo

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