Hello GUNNAR Fans!
Boy was Vegas and CES 2011 a HUGE success for us! As you can tell by now, we definitely had the internet (and attendees @ CES) going nuts this year! And though the late nights and various activities may wear some folks out, I was always good to go thanks to my GUNNARS!
With all of the madness going on this year, I did manage to find some time to cruise the show floor and check out all of the awesome new stuff coming out this year (and maybe a little later than that). So to cut to the chase, here’s a little list I’ve put together of my top devices of CES 2011:
Best Tablet: Motorolla Xoom
So this was DEFINITELY Motorola’s year @ CES; they totally blew past the competition and changed the game as we all knew it. It also didn’t hurt that they have the first device to showcase Android 3.0, which brings me to this bad boy above, the Motorola Xoom. With a Dual-Core 1Ghz Processor, 1 GB of RAM, a Front and Rear-Facing Camera, and so much more to it’s name, it’s not a surprise that this thing stole the show. As an iPad owner, I’m definitely making the switch to this guy in the coming months (a free 4G upgrade doesn’t hurt either).
Best Cellphone: Tie – Motorola Atrix and Droid Bionic

Motorola Atrix w/ Laptop Dock

Droid Bionic
So call me biased because I’m on the Verizon Network, but these two phones definitely took the cake, and to no surprise, both are from Motorola! We have the Atrix, which has a dual-core processor and as much RAM as the Xoom, and we got the Bionic with it’s 4.3-inch screen and the same amazing specs as well. The one downfall is only the Atrix has the amazing software on it that it can be docked to a laptop shell and become a Linux-based PC (it also doesn’t help it’s for AT&T, but I will happily take the Bionic on Verizon). Looks like Motorola has an answer to the iPhone 4 coming to Verizon.
Best Laptop: Samsung 9 Series
Ok, so I’m not going to lie, I’m a Mac guy; but this is one SWEET PC. This bad boy is Samsung’s answer to the MacBook Air: at 2.89 lbs and .68 inches thin, and with a Sandybridge i5 processor, it is safe to say good things CAN come in little packages. Be sure to wear your GUNNARS when you’re on this guy!
Best TV: Vizion XVT3D6SP Series
So for the past year now I’ve been on the hunt for a new TV. Vizio just may be onto something. Coming in at either 47 inches or 55 inches, the XVT3D6SP series all come equipped with Google TV (who can get enough of Google right?), along with Passive 3D technology. It’s time for you to finally throw away those bulky shutter glasses, grab one of these TV’s, and enjoy it with our Premium 3D Eyewear.
Well that about wraps things up for now, have a great weekend everyone and be on the lookout for more great things from us here @ GUNNAR!
Thoughts about CES? What was your favorite product from CES? Leave a comment below and let us know!
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