Posted in Blogs

Hey GUNNAR Fans!


Boy was Comic Con a CRAZY Time! Thanks to everyone who came out to NERD HQ and made it a HUGE Success! Everyone from Zach Levi and Seth Green, to Aziz Ansari and Kevin Smith were in attendace.

A big thank you to all of the GUNNAR Family who were in attendance as well – Adam Sessler, Jessica Chobot, xJawz, iiJerichoii, Neighb0r, Elamite, Hastr0, and Bravo definitely kept the good times rolling!

Well enough with the chit-chat, here’s some photos from the event (be sure to check out all the photos HERE ):

MLG Pro Coach Andy "Bravo" Dudynsky hanging with the some of the GUNNAR Girls


Adam Sessler was in the building getting his game on!


Zachary Levi of CHUCK was keeping the Hordes of Gears of War 3 at bay with his Sparrows


MLG Pro Player Kyle "Elamite Warrior" Elam



Nolan Gould of Modern Family even stopped by to goof around


Kevin Tancharoen

Joshua Gomez aka Morgan Grimes from CHUCK!

And here’s a short clip from Machinima Director Jericho and MLG Pro Coach Andy:

Well that about wraps things up for now, be on the lookout for more videos from Comic Con within the next couple days, and if you’re heading out to MLG Anaheim this coming weekend, be sure to check out GUNNARS in the MLG Merch Booth!



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