Posted in Blogs

On 6/6/12, Gizmodo posted 10 reasons why people should wear GUNNARS:

1. Because ERROR 37 in Diablo 3 Got Fixed

2. Because You Love Your Video Games

3. Because Your Eye Doctor Said So

4. Because a Certain Former Gizmodo Editor Is a Fan

5. Because You Should Stop Taking It In the Eyes

6. Because Pro Gamers Swear by Them

7. Because You Can Try Them for Free with GUNNAR’s 30 Day Guarantee

8. Because Graphic Designers Get Eyestrain Too

9. Because They Can Come in Your Prescription

10. Because Gizmodo Readers Get a 20% Discount.

We picked a winner of a GUNNAR t-shirt for providing the favorite reason. Congratulations to Chris H! Please contact jordan at gunnars dot come to claim your prize!

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